Welcome to the Meal Analyser free tool

The meal analyser allows any organisation running a meal service to calculate the annual carbon, and economic impacts of that service. It will show you where your carbon emissions are coming from, and how they compare across different types of food, transport, and disposal. This will provide you with a benchmark to let you improve in the future. To help with this the analyser includes both a "What If" tool, and an indicative measure of the socio economic impacts of your service.

The tool is designed as a quick way to give a reasonable overview of your service. To see how we carry out a more in-depth analysis that can show you the best way to improve your carbon impacts download our free guide, or contact us directly.

Originally developed as part of a European research project by the University of Edinburgh and Impact Measurement Limited the analyser is completely transparent in its calculation methodology, and rigorous in both its presentation and its academic grounding. It is designed to ask for the minimum of necessary information from you in a form which you will find easy to enter.